Agnosticism, Atheism, Christianity, Faith, God, Religion, Truth

Difficult Questions for Atheists? Part 1

A little while back, my friend UnkleE suggested that I should consider some questions that he believes are problematic for atheism as a worldview. He listed 5 questions, and I want to take them one at a time, so they can each get the focus they deserve. That said, my initial responses to each of… Continue reading Difficult Questions for Atheists? Part 1

Agnosticism, Atheism, Christianity, Free Will, God, Religion

Love and Compulsion

I'm currently reading a book where the author said that God remains hidden from us today so that we may freely choose to love him or not. You can't generate love through compulsion, he argued. And he's right about that. As an illustration, he gave Kierkegaard's story about a king in disguise: Once upon a… Continue reading Love and Compulsion