Agnosticism, Atheism, Christianity, Faith, Religion

Difficult Questions for Atheists? Part 4: Miracles

You can find part 1 here. As I said in the first post, my friend UnkleE gave me a series of questions recently that he believes present difficult problems for an atheist’s worldview. I had forgotten, but we’ve actually had similar discussions before, and you can find them here, here, and here (thanks for the… Continue reading Difficult Questions for Atheists? Part 4: Miracles

Atheism, Bible Study, Christianity, Community, Culture, Faith, God, Politics, Religion, Responsibility, Society

Why Christians Shouldn’t Support Roy Moore

I'm sorry to post about something so local, but some of you outside of Alabama might find this interesting anyway. Because Jeff Sessions was one of our Senators prior to being appointed to US Attorney General, our state is in the process of holding a special election to replace him. The Democratic nominee, Doug Jones,… Continue reading Why Christians Shouldn’t Support Roy Moore

Agnosticism, Atheism, Christianity, Faith, God, Science

Difficult Questions for Atheists? Part 3: Fine-Tuning

You can find part 1 here. As I said in the first post, my friend UnkleE gave me a series of questions recently that he believes present difficult problems for an atheist’s worldview. I had forgotten, but we’ve actually had similar discussions before, and you can find them here, here, and here (thanks for the… Continue reading Difficult Questions for Atheists? Part 3: Fine-Tuning

Agnosticism, Atheism, Bible Study, Christianity, Faith, God, Religion, Truth

How Do You Navigate Christianity Without a Compass?

My friend UnkleE and I have been having a wide-ranging discussion on several topics related to Christianity that ultimately come down to epistemology, or how Christians know God's will. The discussion began in my last post, which critiqued a doctrine common to more moderate circles within Christianity. UnkleE had more to say on the subject… Continue reading How Do You Navigate Christianity Without a Compass?

Agnosticism, Atheism, Bible Study, Christianity, Faith, God, Religion

The Light Given

Sometimes, skeptics of Christianity will criticize its approach to justice by asking what happened to the souls of all the people who died before Jesus's ministry, assuming that since they couldn't have had faith in him, they were consigned to Hell. But many Christians believe they can address this issue easily by pointing to Romans… Continue reading The Light Given

Agnosticism, Atheism, Bible Geography, Bible History, Bible Study, Christianity, Faith, God, Religion, Truth

Contradiction: Was There a Sojourn in Egypt or Not?

Peter, one of the regular readers here, pointed my attention to a post that shows a discrepancy in what the Bible claims about Jacob's descendants spending 400+ years in Egypt. I won't try to summarize it here -- I wouldn't be able to do it justice. Just check it out for yourself:

Agnosticism, Atheism, Bible Study, Christianity, Faith, God, Religion, Truth

Which Nativity Story?

Well, it's that time of year again. Regular church attendees are going to have to share their pews with people who have finally decided to make it out for their second service of the year. Their belief that Jesus bled and died so they can gain eternal salvation might be unshakable, but it apparently isn't… Continue reading Which Nativity Story?

Agnosticism, Atheism, Bible Study, Christianity, Faith, God, Religion, Truth

God and Football, or: Facts Should Matter

For the past few months, my wife and I have been meeting periodically with some family members to discuss our religious differences. The conversations have been interesting. When we tried this during our deconversion six years ago, it didn't go well. Emotions were simply way too high. This time around, we've all come to accept… Continue reading God and Football, or: Facts Should Matter

Agnosticism, Atheism, Christianity, Faith, God, Morality, Religion

Objective Rock Music

My son is 7 years old right now, and he's inherited my love of music. Over the last year or two he's gotten to where he enjoys going to sleep while listening to something. Currently, it's Jimi Hendrix's "Gypsy Eyes" on repeat. But he's also gone through periods where he only wanted "We Will Rock… Continue reading Objective Rock Music

Agnosticism, Atheism, Bible Study, Christianity, Faith, God, Morality, Religion

Is It Fair to Expect Inerrancy from the Bible When We Don’t Expect It from Other Sources?

In the comment thread of my last post, some of us mentioned that it's hard for us to understand the point of view of Christians who believe the Bible can be inspired by God, without holding to the doctrine of inerrancy. unkleE left the following comment: How is it that in everything else in life… Continue reading Is It Fair to Expect Inerrancy from the Bible When We Don’t Expect It from Other Sources?