Christianity, Education, Politics, Religion

Not Surprising at All

FiveThirtyEight has a new article up that illustrates how education and religion factor in to this presidential election. The findings are pretty much what you'd expect, but you may be interested in reading the full article anyway. By the way, the FiveThirtyEight Elections Podcast is excellent, if you're interested in that kind of thing.

Agnosticism, Atheism, Bible Study, Christianity, Faith, God, Religion

The Book of Job: Serious or Satire?

I'll let you know up front that this is a longer than normal post, but there was no good way to break it up. Hopefully, you'll find the time it takes to read it well spent. I'm a big fan of Seth Andrews and his podcast The Thinking Atheist. A week or two ago, I… Continue reading The Book of Job: Serious or Satire?

Agnosticism, Atheism, Christianity, Faith, God, social media

So Stupid

Saw this today on Facebook and my blood started to boil. First of all, it was "liked" by one of my family members -- a person who won't discuss our differences. It really ticks me off to see her "like" a statement about truth, when she won't defend that same statement. Secondly, the quote says… Continue reading So Stupid

Agnosticism, Atheism, Christianity, Faith, God, Politics

Colbert on Religion (and other stuff)

Just a quick post about something I ran across today. I actually have a much more in-depth post coming up on the Book of Job that should be ready in the next week or so. But while I was working today, I listened to an interview that Stephen Colbert gave to Salt + Light, which… Continue reading Colbert on Religion (and other stuff)

Agnosticism, Atheism, Bible Geography, Bible Study, Christianity, Faith, God, Politics, Religion, Truth

PolitiFact Misses the Mark on Jesus

I love PolitiFact. I follow them on Facebook, and I always appreciate the fact-checking they do every time a politician makes a claim. Last week, they had an article that caught my eye, titled "Jesus was an 'undocumented immigrant,' ordained minister says." The minister, Ryan Eller, is the executive director of a group that works… Continue reading PolitiFact Misses the Mark on Jesus

Agnosticism, Atheism, Christianity, Faith, God, Religion, Truth

Some Questions for my Fellow Nonbelievers

I was having a discussion with a friend of mine the other day, and it started me on a certain train of thought about two topics in particular. I think they're often points of misunderstanding between those who are religious and those who aren't. I have my own thoughts about these two issues, but I'd… Continue reading Some Questions for my Fellow Nonbelievers

Agnosticism, Atheism, Christianity, Free Will, God, Religion

Love and Compulsion

I'm currently reading a book where the author said that God remains hidden from us today so that we may freely choose to love him or not. You can't generate love through compulsion, he argued. And he's right about that. As an illustration, he gave Kierkegaard's story about a king in disguise: Once upon a… Continue reading Love and Compulsion

Agnosticism, Atheism, Christianity, Faith, God, Religion

6 Types of Atheists

This article's been out for a week or so, but I hadn't seen it until today. Two researchers at the University of Tennessee at Chattanooga have just published a study they've compiled from a survey of 59 atheists and agnostics. I recommend reading the article (it's not long), especially because it has a slide show… Continue reading 6 Types of Atheists

Agnosticism, Atheism, Christianity, Culture, Faith, God, Religion, Salvation, Truth

Discussion: What Did Jesus Teach?

This post is not going to be in the standard format. Instead of laying out what I think about a particular issue and then possibly getting into a discussion afterward, I really just want to ask a series of questions that I hope readers will answer in the comment section. My background with Christianity is… Continue reading Discussion: What Did Jesus Teach?